Feedback from our customers
Customers love the fact that our sauces are fresh, natural and properly flavoursome. They're not like a standard fermented hot sauce, but have a proper fruit and veg base, herbs and spices, and some sweetness added to balance the acidity.
Whether you're a hot sauce fan, a foodie, or just someone who likes to play around with flavour, there's a Braw Sauce for you.
Here's some recent feedback from our customers:
For Bampot:
'Quite possibly one of the best/tastiest sauces we've ever had. Superb stuff.
'I've got about 50 sauces in my cupboard, and that's my go-to sauce. Really tasty.'
For Roaster:
'This is ridiculously good stuff. Only got it on Sunday afternoon and I've nearly finished it!' (4 days later!)
'Mate - that's amazing.' (with handshake!)
For Pelter:
'I can't have chips in a butty these days without Pelter - love it.'
For Skelper:
'That is the best sauce for sausages that I've ever tasted. Delicious.'
For all of them:
'I had no idea they were so different, and all so tasty!'
'Your sauces have got me back into experimenting with foods that I had started to find boring. Thank you again, and keep up the great work!'